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Service Auth

There are currently two "types" of auth supported in the atproto network: client-server auth and service-to-service auth.

The PDS is the root of a user's authority. Service auth is used when making a request from the PDS to another service on behalf of the user.

These service auth tokens take the form of a simple asymetrically signed JWT.

The payload of the JWT looks like:

type Payload = {
iss: // user's DID
aud: // DID of the service that the request is being made to
exp: // expiration date of the token, normally set to a short timeframe (<60s)

This JWT is signed by the signing key included in the user's DID document (the same signing key that signs repository updates).

For more details on these service auth tokens, check out the atproto specs.


To create and verify service auth tokens, you can use the @atproto/xrpc-server library.

import { createServiceJwt, verifyServiceJwt } from '@atproto/xrpc-server'
import { IdResolver } from '@atproto/identity'

// Creating a service JWT
const keypair = // users keypair

const jwt = await createServiceJwt({
iss: // usersDid
aud: 'did:example:server',

// Verifying a service JWT
// helper method to resolve a user's DID to their atproto signing key
const idResolver = new IdResolver()
const getSigningKey = async (
did: string,
forceRefresh: boolean,
): Promise<string> => {
return this.idResolver.did.resolveAtprotoKey(did, forceRefresh)

// it is important to always check the audience of the provided service JWT
const payload = await verifyServiceJwt(jwt, 'did:example:server', getSigningKey)