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Backfilling the Network

Backfilling is the process of syncing all the data in the network from scratch. You may want to do this if you're running a service that requires a complete copy of the data in the network. This is not generally necessary for running feed generators, labelers, or bots, as most of the time in those cases you are fine just handling live data off of the firehose.

The task of backfilling the entire network can be broken down into handling one repo at a time, since even in the case of interactions, each users data is entirely independent from each other users data.

Additionally, when talking about backfilling you generally want to maintain an 'up to date' replica of the data, Doing this requires consuming events live off of the firehose.


The general process:

  • Given a DID, check your current 'revision' for that DID (Each change to a repo is tagged with a 'revision' or 'rev' string that is a lexicographically sortable timestamp).
  • If you do not have a rev for that repo, download and process the users repo checkpoint from the com.atproto.sync.getRepo endpoint.
  • While you are doing that, buffer any events for the repo to go through after the checkpoint has been processed.
  • The checkpoint will contain a rev value that you can use to skip any buffered events that have already been included in said checkpoint.
  • For each buffered event, if the rev is less than the current rev you have, you can safely skip it.

Do the above process for each repo and you will end up with a complete replica of the network. To get a list of all the repos, you can use the com.atproto.sync.listRepos endpoint on the relay, or on each PDS.

Some things to keep in mind

  • This is a fairly large amount of data (hundreds of GBs at the time of writing), and will be somewhat demanding in terms of resources.
  • Be careful not to get rate limited. You will be making one call to getRepo per user. It is recommended to implement client side rate limiting to prevent your requests from getting blocked by firewalls on the PDS or relay you are requesting data from.
  • The firehose event buffering is important to ensure you don't miss any data between you fetching the repo and getting back to processing the event stream.